Netpigs is a turn-based game inspired by the classic strategy game of conquest simulated with dices, in which players can play live online games, or by mail.

Game options


Each player has a secret mission, different from any other and he must achieve it to win the match.

The possible missions are:
Conquer the Counties: Yellow and Brown
Conquer the Counties: Yellow and Violet
Conquer the Counties: Green and Pink
Conquer the Counties: Green and Brown
Conquer the Counties: Blue, Pink and a third one of your choice
Conquer the Counties: Blue, Violet and a third one of your choice
You have to conquer 24 farms
You have to occupy 18 farms with at least 2 pigs
Eliminate another player (*)


Every player has the same mission: to conquer three counties of his choice. 


Everyone against everyone! Each player has the mission to eliminate another player!
(*) If a player has the mission to eliminate, for example, the Blue Pigs, but the player with the Red Pigs eliminates the Blue Pigs before him, then the new mission of the first player will be "Conquer 24 farms" or, in splatter games, to eliminate the Red Pigs.


Each game has a different “Rank of Challenge”, which is given by the average ranking of the participants. When the game is over, the rank of each player is compared with the Rank of Challenge, then he earns (if he won the game) or loses (if he lost the game) points according to the ELO ranking system, the same one used also in Chess.


Each game take effect on 4 different rankings: the Global Ranking and the Maps Rankings. All of these are also divided in a General Ranking and in a Monthly Ranking.
When all the games created in a given month are over, a prize is assigned to the Top 3 players and it will be showed in their personal page. Besides the Global Ranking, each map has its own Ranking.

Game storage

Finished games are deleted after 1 week.
Games waiting for starting are deleted after 1 month.
Inactive games (in which nobody does anything) are deleted after 2 months.
Games longer than 6 months become no available for ranking.


There are different maps with different characteristics that you can try.

View all maps



Regularly a single-elimination tournament is played. There is always an open tournament; if a tournament is just over, a new one will be open in few days.

More info

Creator and policy

Read all information about the author and the policy of Netpigs